Saturday, March 21, 2015

Unit 5A- Sports et Loisirs

Unit Objective:  To discuss leisure time activities in some details.  

By the end of this unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Qu-est-ce que tu fais quand tu as du temps libre?
  • Avec qui?
  • Quand fais-tu cela?

To meet the Presentational Task Requirement for this unit, you must be able to respond in written format, to the following prompt without assistance of notes:

D’habitude, qu’est-ce que vous faites régulièrement quand vous avez du temps libre ?  Mentionnez au moins 5 passe-temps que vous faites.  Il vous faut mentionner quand vous les faites, où, et avec qui.    
Modèle :    D’habitude, quand j’ai du temps libre, je reste chez moi et je lis un roman ou je regarde la télé.  Quelquefois, je fais du vélo avec mon mari et ma fille.  J’aime aussi faire de la randonnée quand il fait beau au printemps.   

Major concepts found in this unit:

  • The verb "FAIRE"- conjugation and usage
  • Irregular -IR verbs- conjugation and a list of IR verbs to know

To assist you in the learning process, check out these resources:

Of course, there are tons and tons of resources out there to assist you with you ability to acquire these new skill sets.  

To ensure success in mastering these concepts, consider the following:

-Set a deadline.  Review the textbook sequence of information in the unit and set a goal to learn the information by a set date.  

- Take some time to practice the concepts in this unit each day, little by little, until you have mastered them.

- Present yourself with a self-check:  Take a quizlet test to see if you've retained the vocabulary.  Try to conjugate for all subjects for the new verb conjugations.  Find  online activities that focus on these skills.  

- Check in with me.  Send me an email with practice sentences that you've written and/or recorded.  Send me a draft of your practice draft to the Presentational Writing Prompt.   Of course, feel free to ask me questions about content that you are having difficulty understanding.  Just please  remember to use my work email when you contact me!

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