In Level 1, you learned how to identify Subject Pronouns. If you recall, subject pronouns describe who/what does the action of the statement. They are always linked to the verb.
Take a look at the image above. How do Subject and Object pronouns DIFFER?
The object pronoun- Does it describe who/what is DOING the action, or does it describe who/what RECEIVES the action?
Take a look at the following example:
J'aime le foot. = I like soccer.
What answers the following question: "Qui aime le foot?" (WHO likes soccer?)
The answer: Moi, J'aime le foot. (ME, I like soccer.)
Now, what answers the following question: "Qu'est-ce que j'aime? (WHAT do I like?)
The answer: J'aime le foot.
Do you notice the difference in identifying the subject vs the object in the statements above?
The OBJECT Pronoun- is the person or thing which RECEIVES the action.
Here is a video tutorial which will explain DIRECT OBJECTS in greater detail. You may need to slow down the video or replay segments and try the statements until you get a better grasp of this!
What is the difference between a Direct and Indirect Object Pronoun?
To gain an understanding of the difference between direct and indirect, take a look at the following videos. While you are watching, ask yourself to reflect upon what you have viewed. Take notes to summarize your understanding, and try some practice statements on your own.
When you are done learning about Direct and Indirect Objects, you should be able to differentiate between a direct and indirect object pronoun.
DIRECT OBJECTS- me/te/nous/vous/le/la/les/l'
Here is a video tutorial which will explain DIRECT OBJECTS in greater detail. You may need to slow down the video or replay segments and try the statements until you get a better grasp of this!
Once you think you've got a good idea of the COD- try these self-correcting exercises:
COD practice sentencces
INDIRECT OBJECTS- me/te/nous/vous/lui/leur
Here is a video tutorial which will explain INDIRECT OBJECTS in greater detail.
Here are some COI practice sentences to see if you can do this on your own:
COI practice statements
Here are some COI practice sentences to see if you can do this on your own:
COI practice statements
OK- So, can you differentiate between COD and COI? What is the difference? How do you know when to use COD? When do you use COI?
Question: Qui? quoi? (Whom? What?) | Question: A qui? (To whom?) | |
Sujet | Pronoms objet direct | Pronoms objet indirect |
je | Mes parents m'aiment. | Mes parents me donnent de l'argent. |
tu | Tes parents t'aiment. | Tes parents te donnent de l'argent. |
il | Ses parents le critiquent. | Ses parents ne lui donnent pas d'argent. |
elle | Ses parents la critiquent. | Ses parents ne lui donnent pas d'argent. |
nous | Nos professeurs nous comprennent. | Nos professeurs nous donnent des explications. |
vous | Vos amis vous respectent. | Vos amis vous donnent des cadeaux. (gifts) |
ils | Leurs grands-parents les invitent. | Leurs grands-parents leur parlent espagnol. |
elles | Leurs grands-parents les invitent. | Leurs grands-parents leur parlent espagnol. |
Test your knowledge by trying the following activity. Can you determine whether to use COD/COI? Practice TEST on COD/COI
HOW DID YOU DO? Let me know by sending me a pic of your results! If you still don't understand object pronouns, keep working on acquiring the skill. Seek out other video or online activities. Keep up the hard work and your efforts will pay off!
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